Richard Barker
Richard Barker has developed a unique show where the audience can also participate. The show is truly all encompassing and everyone gets involved. The show is fast paced and hilarious, you can sit back without worry and laugh your so hard your ribs and mouth will hurt. Richard is a pioneer in the Hypnosis world; he wrote the book on Hypnosis called “Secrets Of The Stage Revealed. The Guide To Hypnosis And Stage Hypnotism” and regularly teaches others through his involvement with the Hypnotist Stage Academy and Hypnotist Entertainment Group.
Richard Barker is a certified Hypnotist and works with high profile Celebrities and athletes for sports performance. He works both privately and one on one for health and wellness related issues. Richard has worked with many fortune 500 companies hosting sales training and public speaking engagements.
Immensely entertaining experience for all ages.
Richard Barker has an amazing fun and interactive Comedy Show you must see. Ranked number one in America consistently. You certainly will not be disappointed with the most popular Hypnotist in America today, take a look at this video reel